Welcome to our “Random Thoughts” site.

This site is dedicated to any weird and random thoughts. Love it or hate it, we are sure to write something stupid about it.

2 Tips Concerning Gifts

I know this post is a little late, but here are TWO WHOLE TIPS for gift stuffs this season: If someone seems to have everything, consider getting them a really cheap gift. They might have the same item, but maybe not in that [read more]

Praise for Queen Red Riding Hood's Guide to Royalty

Praise for Queen Red Riding Hood's Guide to Royalty a queen-in-training's letter of praise for Queen Red Riding Hood's Guide to Royalty, by Chris Colfer Someone Worth Mentioning 12345 Queen's Palace Place Nowheresville, Royalty Republic Otherworld Queen Red Riding [read more]

First Moon Landing Mad Lib

First Moon Landing Mad Lib


    A fictional story in remembrance of the 2016 Chatanooga School Bus Crash. Every morning when I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the small square of bulletin board on the wall.  At the top is tacked a selfie Ava took [read more]

Eight Fifteen

    This is a story about Jada from "Shooting Star". "Jada, you came!" cries 9-year-old Camilla Johnson as she throws open the front door. "But of course," I reply with a grin and step inside.  The aroma of a chocolate [read more]

Septica with Several Players

Septica with Several Players Intro Septica is a Romanian trick-taking chance-strategy card game for two players.  My family tweaked the rules of play to make it a game for several (more than 2, but not many) players.  The following version works well [read more]

Riddle #2

I come so fast and go so quick, Blink (or don't blink) and I go by! Yet sometimes I can seem to drag, Though I'm faster than sound, faster than light! I’m always the same although I change others, it’s always [read more]

Riddle #1

I have five hearts, yet cannot love. I can be short – or three yards long! I can regenerate, but only some parts. I am neither solely male nor solely female. What am I? P.S. I'm also brainless, so it is only thanks [read more]

Private Post, Just 4 Me

Private Post, Just 4 Me When I need to type in a password for something that I'm showing Mom, she knows that she has time to run and put on her makeup if she runs as fast as a sloth.  And even then she will still probably have time to clean the [read more]

A Horse For Kate by Mirallee Ferrell

A Horse For Kate by Mirallee FerrellI really like the book A Horse For Kate, by Mirallee Ferrell.  A 12-year-old girl named Kate wants to have a horse.  When she and her new friend Tori discover a horse all alone in a pasture, they wonder who owns it.  The reason [read more]

Chat House

Chat HouseI have set up something called the Chat House, which is "house" of chat rooms. Learn more about it here.   [read more]

Wild Cat by Dandi Daley Mackall

Wild Cat by Dandi Daley Mackall Wild Cat, by Dandi Daley Mackall, is one of my favorite books on the bookcase in my bedroom because it is about someone who has cancer and can't live up to people's (or even her own) expectations. My rating for this book is [read more]


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