There was once a girl who decided to write a secret code. So a secret code she did write. Of course, it is not so secret now, for I am writing of it. The code was so hard, no one could figure it out. And it was all based on six regular symbols and four symbols that you may be familiar with,
and one you may not be familiar with.
Here is how you do it (write the code, I mean):
(1) Divide the alphabet into four parts. You will have two remaining letters. Those two letters will become one part together.
(2) Give each part (of the alphabet) one of the above symbols, commonly known as diamonds (♦), hearts (♥), clubs (♣), strange thingy (⊥), and spades (♠).
(3) Next, go to your computer keyboard and look at the symbols on the keys 0-5. The symbols, not the numbers. You might want to write them down on a piece of paper.
(4) Reverse the symbols. It should look like this: ), !, @, #, $, %. Reading this from left to right, these symbols will stand for these numbers in the code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. You might want to write these numbers down over the symbols.
(5) The alphabet you divided into five parts you might want to write down. Seperate each part. They should look like this: (A, B, C, D, E, F), (G, H, I, J, K, L), (M, N, O, P, Q, R,), (S, T, U, V, W, X), (Y, Z)
(6) Write the symbol you chose for each part in front of the part.
(7) Now we will try to spell “min”. Since “m” is in the third part, write down your symbol for the third part. Next, because “m” is the first letter in the third part, write down your symbol for “1”.
(8) Write a comma after your number and begin making the symbols for your second letter, “i”, (second part, third letter).
(9) When you are finished writing the word “min”, it should look like this (the symbol will probably not be the same, but this is all right): ♣%, ♥#, ♣$ .
(10) The hardest part about this code is deciphering it. If the sender wants to, they can use any symbol for each part, not just the regular symbols that the code has been using. But that is not the hard part. The hard part is knowing what symbol the sender uses goes with each part. You may also have to figure out which symbol is being used for each number, which makes this code practically impossible to solve. But if you know what symbol goes with each number and part, it’s easy as eating pie (as long as your pie isn’t hard as a brick, as might be the case if I ever try to bake a pie).
And this code is called Duces, Trays, and Three-eyed Jays Code.