Just One of Those Nagging, Random Thoughts

i go to SC every year.  i visit the beech while i m their.  Their iz always lots of SiO2 and H2O.  Their is lots of NaCl in the H2O.  That’s aw.


– Minny


About Min Sullivan

11 Responses to “Just One of Those Nagging, Random Thoughts”

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  1. Pupsydoodle says:

    I’m certainly scratching my head! You are confusing even still, Minny!!!

  2. Min Sullivan says:

    I can translate this blog post for all you who are looking at it and scratching your heads. Here is the translation:

    I go to South Carolina every year. I visit the beach while I am there. There is always lots of sand and water. There is lots of sodium chloride (table salt) in the water. That’s all.

    I hope this helps you understand this confusing and silly blog post better.

  3. jtsullivan says:

    Oh, now I know what you were thinking and boy, is it silly. Yes, down right silly. To further stated my point, I would have to say this is the most usual “of those nagging, random thoughts” EVER.

  4. jtsullivan says:

    What were you think?

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