A poisonous animal you can’t eat. A poisonous plant you shouldn’t eat either (think Deadly Hemlock, which was the end of Socrates). A venomous animal (think Spitting Cobra, which can blind people and animals with their spittle from 5 feet away with deadly accuracy) don’t get too near. But who’s ever heard of a venomous plant?
Here’s a tricky one. All spiders inject poison into their prey, but they are venomous spiders. If I am wrong on that, tell me so, please.
Educational Note: Something that’s poisonous you can’t eat, but if it bites you (and it’s not a venomous animal as well) then you’re okay. Something that’s venomous can endanger you if it injects poison into you. I don’t recommend eating a venomous animal, although I don’t know if you can or not. I wouldn’t eat the poison, though. That’s for sure.