This is one curious horsey! Read more »
The Unicorn Puzzle Story, and How I Came Up With It

This post tells of some of the behind the scenes work that I do for my stories. This one is using the story The Unicorn Puzzle, as an example. I would recommend reading the story before reading about the behind the scenes work. This post I have written is to encourage children (and adults) to try writing their own stories. I have divided up my post into sections, telling step-by-step how I write my stories. […] Read more »
The Unicorn Puzzle, part one, Minny Had a Unicorn

I poke the tiny puzzle piece into place. My best friend, Marabeth, gave me the puzzle for my tenth birthday. It is a special puzzle. It has a big center piece of a unicorn, and little puzzle pieces that fit around the unicorn that make up the scenery. I have just finished putting together the scenery. I glance around my bedroom. Where is that unicorn piece? “Oh unicorn,” I call softly, “come out of mythology!” […] Read more »
Tilda’s Babyshower Blues

The day I went to my mother’s babyshower was the worst day of my week. Chaotic things were always happening at our house. but that babyshower was the worst! It was not the actual babyshower that was the problem, but my getting to the babyshower, gift and all. Let me explain. My mother, Anna-marie, has had about five babyshowers so far, but after we use the things people give us, my mother gives them away. […] Read more »